Tag Results: Wetland


Invertebrates in Beaver-Created Wetlands and Ponds

A study into invertebrates in beaver wetlands in the different regions of North America

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A Critical Review of the Effects of Beavers Upon Fish and Fish Stocks

A review by the University of Southampton of how the reintroduction of beaver will affect fish in Scotalnd

Ecology, management, and conservation implications of North American beaver (Castor canadensis) in dryland streams 2014

A review that suggests that beaver activity can create substantial benefits and costs for conservation

Final ESA Recovery Plan for Oregon Coast Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) 2016

This recovery plan provides guidance to improve the viability of coho salmon to the point that it meets the delisting criteria and no longer requires ESA protection. It includes strong recommendations to increase the number of beaver and recommends the use of BDAs to restore rearing habitat for salmon.

Impacts of beaver dams on hydrologic and temperature regimes in a mountain stream

This study quantifies the impacts of beaver on stream hydrologic and temperature regimes, and highlights the importance of understanding the spatial and temporal scales of those impacts.  We explored the impacts of beaver dams on hydrologic and temperature regimes at different spatial and temporal scales within a mountain stream in northern Utah over a 3-year period spanning pre- and post-beaver colonization.

Landscape-scale Carbon Storage Associated with Beaver Dams 2013


Study on how beaver-created wetlands store carbon and help with climate change

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Laws, regulations, and management plans to improve streamflow and stream temperature : a case study in the North Fork Burnt River Watershed

This project explored the effectiveness of a management plan on improving streamflow and stream temperature

Meta-analysis of environmental effects of beaver in relation to artificial dams

An analysis between the differences of beaver dams and artificial dams and their impacts on the wetlands they occupy

The Economic Value of Beaver Ecosystem Services Escalante River Basin, Utah 2001

In-depth report on how beaver could provide benefits to local residents and visitors well into the millions of dollars per year in Utah.

Virtual Field Trip:  Non-Lethal Beaver Conflict Resolution 

This webinar was presented by the Clark Fork Coalition in Montana with beaver experts Mike Callahan, Beaver Institute, Elissa Chott, Clark Fork Coalition in MT, and Torrey Ritter, MT DFW. Topics covered include beaver benefits, challenges and solutions. 2020

The Beaver Restoration Guidebook Version 1.0, 2015

A comprehensive compilation of information related to beavers and their management with an emphasis on stream restoration.

Ecological engineering and aquatic connectivity: a new perspective from beaver-modified wetlands, 2014

This study demonstrated that beavers actively increase the volume-to-surface area ratio of wetlands by almost 50% and that their digging of foraging channels increases average wetland perimeters by over 575%. They concluded that exclusion or removal of beavers could limit ecosystem processes and resilience.

Human-made Beaver Dams Likely Save Natural Wetland from Extinction

The U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management blog reports that in arid, high country Oregon, a series of manmade beaver dams (Beaver Dam Analogs) have created a watery oasis.

Beaver: Nature’s ecosystem engineers

A literature review and summary of the beaver’s impact as an ecosystem engineer. It focuses primarily on the European beaver (castor fiber), but includes valuable information about the profound ecological benefits of the North American beaver (castor Canadensis) too.

Project: Hydrological Impact of Beaver Habitat Restoration in the Milwaukee River Watershed

A comprehensive study evaluating how restoring beaver dams could significantly protect the city of Milwaukee from future flood vents and the significant cost savings of this nature-based management approach versus traditional flood prevention engineering.

Potential mitigation of and adaptation to climate-driven changes in California’s highlands through increased beaver populations

This study reviews three literatures in an effort to evaluate the potential for beaver to adapt to and to mitigate anticipated changes in California’s higher elevation land- and waterscapes.

Tackling the Climate Crisis with the help of Wolves and Beavers

This article by the Pacific Wolf Coalition describes the many ways that the natural activities of wolves and beavers can help build climate resilience.

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