Thanks to generous support from the John T. and Jane A. Wiederhold Foundation, the Animal Welfare Institute, and others, the Beaver Institute is able to financially assist many landowners to coexist with beavers. Landowners who hire BeaverCorps trained Beaver Wetland Professionals to install beaver-friendly devices can qualify for these cost-share grants. To qualify for financial assistance there must be a commitment from the landowner for beavers to remain on their property.

BeaverCorps Grant Program

Thanks to generous funding from the Animal Welfare Institute and others, the Beaver Institute has created a grant program to financially incentivize landowners to hire BeaverCorps professionals to nonlethally resolve beaver issues and restore wetlands. The goal of the program is to increase beaver wetlands to improve climate resilience.

Any individual, town, business, or organization in North America can apply.

Grant Application Process:

  1. A BeaverCorps professional completes a site assessment and proposes the installation of a water control device or a Process-Based Restoration project (must be a BeaverCorps or BI Approved Beaver Professional).
  2. The applicant (Landowner) receives a cost estimate from the BeaverCorps professional for nonlethal beaver management.
  3. The applicant completes the application for cost-share assistance. Expect a decision in less than 2 weeks.
  4. The BeaverCorps professional completes the project.
  5. The BeaverCorps professional emails a Project Completion Form to the BeaverCorps Program Director.
  6. The BeaverCorps professional emails both BI and the client an invoice for the approved cost-share grant (addressed to BI) and the remaining client balance for the project (addressed to the client). The landowner invoice is reduced by the cost-share amount.
  7. Upon receipt of the Project Completion Form and both invoices, the cost-share funds are released to the BeaverCorps professional. The property owner pays the balance to the BeaverCorps Professional.

Additional Grant Information:
Cost-share applications are accepted year-round.
The party responsible for maintenance follow-up must be identified.
Funding is typically up to one-third of the project installation cost.
Cost-share funds are for installations only, not maintenance.

Connecticut Beaver Initiative

Thanks to a generous grant from the Connecticut-based Wiederhold Foundation, the Beaver Institute launched the Connecticut Beaver Initiative program to financially assist landowners experiencing beaver problems, train Beaver Wetland Professionals in nonlethal remediation techniques, and raise awareness of the beaver’s critical environmental importance in Connecticut.

Any individual, town, business, or organization in Connecticut can apply.

Grant Application Process:

  1. A BeaverCorps professional completes a site assessment and proposes the installation of a water control device or a Process-Based Restoration project (must be a CT-licensed NWCO).
  2. Obtain a cost estimate for nonlethal beaver management.
  3. The landowner completes the application for cost-share assistance. Expect a decision in less than 2 weeks.
  4. The BeaverCorps professional completes the project.
  5. The professional submits a Project Completion Form and a cost-share invoice to the BI Grant Program. The landowner invoice is reduced by the cost-share amount.
  6. Upon receipt of the Project Completion Form and the invoice, the cost-share funds are released to the BeaverCorps professional. The property owner pays the balance.

Additional Grant Information:
Cost-share applications are accepted year-round.
The party responsible for maintenance follow-up must be identified.
Funding is typically up to one-third of the project installation cost.
Cost-share funds are for installations only, not maintenance.