Tag Results: Water


Potential mitigation of and adaptation to climate-driven changes in California’s highlands through increased beaver populations

Evaluating the potential for beaver to adapt to and to mitigate anticipated changes in California’s higher elevation land- and waterscapes.

Farming and Climate Change: How Beavers Can Help

The Beaver Trust presents a webinar on Climate Change effects on farming in Europe and how beavers can help mitigate some of the resultant drought and flood damage. 2021.

Landscape-scale Carbon Storage Associated with Beaver Dams 2013


Study on how beaver-created wetlands store carbon and help with climate change

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Laws, regulations, and management plans to improve streamflow and stream temperature : a case study in the North Fork Burnt River Watershed

This project explored the effectiveness of a management plan on improving streamflow and stream temperature

Meta-analysis of environmental effects of beaver in relation to artificial dams

An analysis between the differences of beaver dams and artificial dams and their impacts on the wetlands they occupy

The Economic Value of Beaver Ecosystem Services Escalante River Basin, Utah 2001

In-depth report on how beaver could provide benefits to local residents and visitors well into the millions of dollars per year in Utah.

Could beaver compete with a declining snowpack?

To estimate the extent to which beaver dam building activity could provide transient water storage with a decreased snowpack.

Effects of Beaver Impoundments on Dissolved Organic Matter Quality and Biodegradability in Boreal Riverine Systems

Assessment of the changes in dissolved organic matter quality and the biodegradation patterns in beaver systems across Sweden