Tag Results: Growth


Beaver Impact on Stream Fish Life Histories – The Role of Landscape and Local Attributes

Researchers examined interactions between beaver and fish communities in the types of streams selected for Eurasian beaver re-colonization. They found several critical elements of fish communities in these mountain streams that relate to beaver activity and its effects.

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Ecology and Movement of Juvenile Salmonids in Beaver Influenced and Beaver-Free Tributaries in the Trøndelag province of Norway

Study of salmon and trout movement upstream and downstream of beaver dams, and how the dams effect them

A Critical Review of the Effects of Beavers Upon Fish and Fish Stocks

A review by the University of Southampton of how the reintroduction of beaver will affect fish in Scotalnd

Qualitative and Quantitative Effects of Reintroduced Beavers on Stream Fish

Review of research about the positive and negative effects of beaver towards fish

Dredge Creek Coho & The Impact of Beavers 2014

Article that investigates the relationship between beavers and coho salmon in the Mendenhall Recreational Area, Alaska

Effects of Beaver on Trout in Sagehen Creek, California 1961


Study on how the increase of beavers along Sagehen Creek affect the trout in it

Final ESA Recovery Plan for Oregon Coast Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) 2016

This recovery plan provides guidance to improve the viability of coho salmon to the point that it meets the delisting criteria and no longer requires ESA protection. It includes strong recommendations to increase the number of beaver and recommends the use of BDAs to restore rearing habitat for salmon.

Influence of Beaver Activity on Summer Growth and Condition of Age-2 Atlantic Salmon Parr 2006

Study of the effects of an ephemeral beaver pond on the growth and maturity of age-2 Atlantic salmon in Eastern Canada

Beaver: Nature’s ecosystem engineers

This review summarizes how beaver impact ecosystem structure and geomorphology, hydrology and water resources, water quality, freshwater ecology, and humans and society.

Beaver Effects on Trout and Salmon

Multiple studies cited showing an overall beneficial effect of beaver dams on salmon and trout.

Beaver in Tidal Marshes – Dam Effects on Low-Tide Channel Pools and Fish Use of Estuarine Habitat 2012


Beaver dams in tidal estuaries have significant benefits for multiple fish species.

The Importance of Beaver Ponds to Coho Salmon Production in the Stillaguamish River Basin, Washington, USA

NOAA study of beaver habitat effects on Coho salmon reproduction and growth in Washington state.

A Review of Beaver-Salmonid Relationships and History of Management Actions in the Western Great Lakes (U.S.) Region

A review of the history of beavers and salmonids in the western Great Lakes Region. They found that beaver activity is often deleterious to salmonids in low gradient stream basins but is generally beneficial in high gradient basins

Leave It To Beavers To Help Salmon?


They found that beaver dams can inhibit migration, and can also increase siltation, which degrades salmon spawning habitat.

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