Tag Results: Success Rates
BackCapturing Beavers in Box Traps
Report on capture success of beavers in box traps, box trap designs and modifications, field sets, and costs of purchasing and modifying traps.
Beavers, Rebooted
Artificial beaver dams are a hot restoration strategy, but the projects aren’t always welcome.
Beaver Colony Density Trends on the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, 1987 – 2013
A study of beaver control measures to help land management agencies weigh against large-scale removal programs
A Family Matter: Trapping and relocating beavers can have long-lasting benefits for habitat and wildlife
Beaver relocation program by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.
Solving Beaver Flooding Problems through the Use of Water Flow Control Devices
This paper describes the social and ecological context for current beaver problems, how WFCDs function, gives installation and maintenance tips, and presents results of two surveys that assessed the effectiveness of WFCDs in alleviating beaver flooding problems in Connecticut and Massachusetts.
Evaluating landowner-based beaver relocation as a tool to restore salmon habitat
Relocating American beavers (Castor canadensis) from unwanted sites to desirable sites where damage exceeds stakeholder capacity) has been posited as a method to enhance in-stream habitat for salmonids in the Pacific Northwest.
Best Management Practices for Beaver Problems, 2005
A study of 482 flow devices by Beaver Solutions LLC in Massachusetts demonstrated that flow devices are the Best Management Practices for beaver dam flooding problems. Published by the Assoc. of MA Wetland Scientists, 2005.
Project: Hydrological Impact of Beaver Habitat Restoration in the Milwaukee River Watershed
A comprehensive study evaluating how restoring beaver dams could significantly protect the city of Milwaukee from future flood vents and the significant cost savings of this nature-based management approach versus traditional flood prevention engineering.
Billerica Municipal Beaver Management Program Analysis, 2000 – 2019
This landmark 20 year study compares traditional lethal beaver control versus nonlethal management methods in the town of Billerica, MA. A total of 55 beaver conflict sites were studied. Sites that were managed with nonlethal control methods cost taxpayers significantly less than sites that were managed with beaver removal, and provided millions of dollars of ecological services to the town annually that would have been lost with beaver removal.
Beaver Management Flow Device Study 2003
A 2003 landmark study of flow device success rates at 277 beaver-human conflict sites in Massachusetts.
The Importance of Beaver Ponds to Coho Salmon Production in the Stillaguamish River Basin, Washington, USA
NOAA study of beaver habitat effects on Coho salmon reproduction and growth in Washington state.
An Analysis of the Efficacy and Comparative Costs of Using Flow Devices to Resolve Conflicts with North American Beavers Along Roadways in the Coastal Plain of Virginia 2008
A cost analysis of beaver trapping versus nonlethal flow device use by the Virginia Dept. of Transportation
Modifications to the Clemson Pond Leveler to Facilitate Brook Trout Passage
The Clemson Pond Leveler effectively controls beaver pond flooding but will not pass migrating fish as it is typically installed. This modified design will allow for the passage of fish.