Tag Results: Nutrients
BackA Review of Two Novel Water-Tight Beaver Dam Analogs (WTBDA) to Restore Eroded Seasonal Creeks in Drain Tile Zones to Permanent Beaver Wetlands
Reducing nutrient runoff in streams is an important task to reduce algae blooms and associated environmental damage in large waterbodies. Beaver Dam Analogs (WTBDA) are an means to address this problem. These Water Tight Beaver Dam Analogs (WTBDA) present a novel approach to this technique that also aim to restore eroded seasonal creeks to perennial wetlands.
Beaver Activity Increases Aquatic Subsidies to Terrestrial Consumers
Study on how beavers alter freshwater ecosystems and increase aquatic production to determine how these changes influence the magnitude and lateral dispersal of aquatic nutrients into terrestrial ecosystems
Beaver dams: A free conservation practice for water quality enhancement?
Beaver activity (i.e., damming of streamflow) holds significant potential to impact water quality, specifically in-stream nutrient processing.
A Critical Review of the Effects of Beavers Upon Fish and Fish Stocks
A review by the University of Southampton of how the reintroduction of beaver will affect fish in Scotalnd
Qualitative and Quantitative Effects of Reintroduced Beavers on Stream Fish
Review of research about the positive and negative effects of beaver towards fish
Changes in Water Chemistry Associated with Beaver-Impounded Coastal Marshes of Eastern Georgian Bay
Study on how beaver dams affect coastal marshes and their Phosphorus and pH levels
The Effect of Beaver (Castor canadensis) Dam Removal on Total phosphorus Concentration in Taylor Creek and Wetland, South Lake Tahoe, California
The presence of beaver ponds in Taylor Creek could improve water quality by reducing the phosphorus load entering Lake Tahoe.
The Economic Value of Beaver Ecosystem Services Escalante River Basin, Utah 2001
In-depth report on how beaver could provide benefits to local residents and visitors well into the millions of dollars per year in Utah.
Can the Mighty Beaver Save the Bay?
A 44 minute Baltimore Sun podcast by Dan Rodricks on beavers and their impact. He interviews beaver experts Frances Backhouse, Mike Callahan, and Scott McGill on the history, present management and future of beavers in North America. Recorded in Feb. 2, 2018
Beavers Buffering Blazes: The Potential Role of Castor canadensis in Mitigating Wildfire Impacts on Stream Ecosystems
The potential role of beavers in mitigating wildfire impacts on stream ecosystems
Beaver: Nature’s ecosystem engineers
This review summarizes how beaver impact ecosystem structure and geomorphology, hydrology and water resources, water quality, freshwater ecology, and humans and society.
Beavers and Conservation in Oregon Coastal Watersheds
Summary of the benefits of beavers, their conflicts with humans, and the policies and conditions that affect their survival
Effects of Beaver Impoundments on Dissolved Organic Matter Quality and Biodegradability in Boreal Riverine Systems
Assessment of the changes in dissolved organic matter quality and the biodegradation patterns in beaver systems across Sweden
Beaver Ponds – Resurgent Nitrogen Sinks for Rural Watersheds in the Northeastern United States
In rural watersheds of southern New England with high Nitrogen loading, denitrification from beaver ponds may remove 5 to 45% of watershed nitrate Nitrogen loading. Beaver ponds represent a relatively new and substantial sink for watershed Nitrogen.