Beaver Wetland Biodiversity Comparable to Coral Reefs and Rain Forests!
Source: U. S. EPA
Beaver Pond Attributes
- Act as the “Earth’s Kidneys”, filtering and cleaning our water
- Recharge drinking water aquifers
- Wildfire oases reduce losses and speed recovery
- Help endangered and threatened species, including salmon
- Slow and spread water in dry regions
- Heal degraded streams
- Reduce erosion and flood damage from large storms
- Store carbon
While the ecological importance of beaver freshwater wetlands is increasingly understood and appreciated, most citizens and policymakers are unaware of the ecological value of these beaver-created wetlands. Even fewer are aware that beaver ponds reduce climate change damage. So, despite stress from rising temperatures and precipitation changes, beavers are still commonly killed, and their ecosystems destroyed, even though cost-effective, nonlethal alternatives exist. So despite progress, we clearly still have a long way to go before beaver coexistence is widely adopted.
Beavers Build Climate Resilience
Beaver BioBanks
Beaver-created wetlands are oases teeming with life on our increasingly climate-stressed planet. They slow down climate-induced damage and “bank” biological riches of water, fish, plants, birds, animals, and more. Since beaver-created wetlands preserve and protect our precious, biological assets, we call every beaver pond a “Beaver BioBank”. We are currently setting a standard and process for data collection through our BeaverCorps program. Our vision is that in the coming years, we will be able to make the ecological and economic case for beavers with quantitative measurements.