Author Results: R. Brazier
BackUnravelling Perceptions of Eurasian Beaver Reintroduction in Great Britain
Investigation into the social dimensions of wildlife reintroduction and an argument to emphasize the need to recognize societal perceptions in potential management solutions
Improving Engagement in Managing Reintroduction Conflicts: Learning from Beaver Reintroduction
Article that finds themes in responses to beaver reintroduction and offers observations that may positively influence future responses amongst affected individuals
Beaver: Nature’s ecosystem engineers
A literature review and summary of the beaver’s impact as an ecosystem engineer. It focuses primarily on the European beaver (castor fiber), but includes valuable information about the profound ecological benefits of the North American beaver (castor Canadensis) too.
Beaver: Nature’s ecosystem engineers
This review summarizes how beaver impact ecosystem structure and geomorphology, hydrology and water resources, water quality, freshwater ecology, and humans and society.
Eurasian Beaver Activity Increases Water Storage, Attenuates Flow and mitigates diffuse pollution from intensely-managed grassland
A site is monitored to understand impacts upon water storage, flow regimes and water quality.