Author Results: S. Fouty
BackClimate Change and Beaver Activity: How Restoring Nature’s Engineers can Alleviate Problem
Published in Beaversprite, Vol. 23, No. 1 (Spring 2008). Beavers Wetlands and Wildlife publication
Beaver Wetlands, Wet Meadows, and Ponds: Creating Wildfire Safety Zones and the Possibility of Survival
Published in Ripples in the Grande Ronde, Quarterly News from the Grande Ronde Model Watershed, Summer/Fall edition.
Examines current climate conditions and levels of public anxiety at increased drought and wildfire and the contributions beaver make to helping minimize impacts by storing water, creating complex habitat, and creating safe zones for wildlife and livestock during wildfire and afterwards.
Euro-American Beaver Trapping and Its Long Term Impact on Drainage Network Form and Function, Water Abundance, Delivery, and System Stability
Examines the long-term impact of historic beaver trapping in the United States on stream systems, the role of beaver trapping in arroyo formation in the American Southwest, why the significance of beavers was missed by the U.S. General Land Office surveys in the late 1700s to mid 1800s, and how that oversight impacted later researchers in the 1950s and 1960s as the study of fluvial geomorphology and hydraulic geometry emerged.
Tags: erosion, arroyo formation, hydraulic geometry, channel incision, beaver trapping, General Land Office surveys
Tackling the Climate Crisis with the help of Wolves and Beavers
This article by the Pacific Wolf Coalition describes the many ways that the natural activities of wolves and beavers can help build climate resilience.