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Be the first to receive breaking Beaver Institute news or our latest Blog. Sign up now for Beaver Institute updates and receive FREE downloads of our “Beaver Primer” and “Beaver Benefits” documents. Enjoy learning about the history of beavers in […]

Best Management Practices for Pond Levelers and Culvert Protection Systems

The two primary categories of beaver flow device solutions are pond levelers and culvert protection systems. The following combination of design fundamentals, best management practices, and site-specific criteria form a set of standards for making, installing, monitoring, and maintaining both culvert protection systems and pond levelers as beaver coexistence solutions. This document is intended to empower the landowners, organizations, municipalities, and wildlife professionals who are interested in finding solutions to ongoing conflicts between human infrastructure and beaver habitat while still retaining the beavers and their benefits. If you would like to install a pond leveler or culvert protection system, use these standards to guide your planning, design, installation, monitoring, and maintenance. If you don’t have the capacity to implement these BMPs, there are an increasing number of trained professionals who can assist in your project. To coordinate your installation with the applicable regulatory agencies, adhere to the state-specific, stepwise permitting process outlined in the document appendices

National Beaver Working Groups

National Beaver Working Groups The National Beaver Working Groups (NBWG) are a collective of four-themed sub-groups researching, creating actions, sharing knowledge, and supporting each other through Science & Research, Policy & Management, Beaver Management Practices, Education & Communication, and Funding. […]

Management Strategy for Beavers – Town of Salisbury, VT

The most sustainable, long-term solutions to beaver-human conflicts happen to be non-lethal practices.

Beavers as commoners? Invitations to river restoration work in a beavery mode

This paper examines the relationship of ecological restoration to community development. The author presents several opinions on the role of beaver in ecological restoration, the historical relationship of human and beaver, and the beaver’s role within a “multispecies commons”.

Long-Term Population Dynamics of the N. American Beaver in Massachusetts and California

Research and monitoring activities over a 45-year period on the Quabbin Reservation in Massachusetts have provided an opportunity to follow changes in numbers and dynamics of an unexploited beaver population.


Do Beaver Dams Impede the Movement of Trout?

An investigation into whether beaver dams impact the movement of trout

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Flow Device Cost-Benefit Analysis

An analysis from the Pacific Northwest on the relative costs and benefits of flow devices.


The Evolution of Flow Devices Used to Reduce Flooding by Beavers: A Review

This review article traced the origin of non-lethal tools used to reduce beaver flooding as far back as the early 20th century.

Billerica Municipal Beaver Management Program Analysis, 2000 – 2019

This landmark 20 year study compares traditional lethal beaver control versus nonlethal management methods in the town of Billerica, MA. A total of 55 beaver conflict sites were studied. Sites that were managed with nonlethal control methods cost taxpayers significantly less than sites that were managed with beaver removal, and provided millions of dollars of ecological services to the town annually that would have been lost with beaver removal.

Potential psychological benefits of nature enrichment through the reintroduction of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) to Britain

Biodiversity is declining in the UK, which is considered one of the most nature depleted parts of the world. The reestablishment of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) has been posited as an effective means of facilitating a restoration of biodiversity in Britain, and following successful trials, nationwide reintroduction is being considered. This literature review considers the potential psychological benefits of such an initiative. Beavers could act as a ‘super restorer’, facilitating psychological as well as ecological restoration through a beneficial synergy of effects. Through their eco-engineering activities, beavers increase biodiversity at the landscape scale and facilitate habitat restoration and creation (creating a mosaic of green and blue space, and a sense of wilderness) all of which can increase the psychological well-being of visitors. Their creation of biodiverse natural settings offers the possibility of increased nature connectedness and nature-based psychological restoration amongst some of the human population of the UK. Beaver reintroduction may represent a partial antidote to ‘shifting baseline syndrome’ and beavers could act as a flagship species and become a totem of hope as eco-anxiety increases. Beavers can potentially have negative psychological impacts, and this will require appropriate planning, management and communication among stakeholders coupled with community-led initiatives to mitigate. Overall psychological benefits of beaver reintroduction likely exceed that of any other single species’ reintroduction or conservation initiative of equivalent cost, and far outweigh the costs of their reintroduction and management.

Tundra Be Dammed: Beaver Colonization of the Arctic

For this article, the researchers examined sites with evidence of new beaver pond colonization in the Arctic. Snowmelt is occurring, which is reducing permafrost and creating ideal habitat conditions for beavers. Beaver populations are now in competition with native ptarmigans. Tape et. al. suggest that beaver ranges are expanding rapidly in the Alaskan arctic.

Beaver are Nature’s Firefighters. So Why is California Killing Them?

This article highlights an important ecological benefit of beaver ponds, fire prevention. Research shows us that policymakers should consider protecting the beaver for its ecosystem services.

Effect of Agriculture and Presence of American Beaver Castor canadensis on Winter Biodiversity of Mammals

This study compared various measures of biodiversity levels of mammals in the winter months between wetlands on agricultural land and wetlands, as well as wetlands with active and inactive beaver colonies.

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The Beaver Restoration Guidebook Version 1.0, 2015

A comprehensive compilation of information related to beavers and their management with an emphasis on stream restoration.

National Beaver Funding Working Group

Beaver Funding Working Group Resources Foundation Grants Spreadsheet Government Grants Spreadsheet Nonprofit Guide to Grant Writing for Beaver Work flyer Logic Model examples flyer Logic Models for Effective Conservation Outreach (National Wildlife Federation) Logic Models Key Elements (National Wildlife Federation) […]

Project: Hydrological Impact of Beaver Habitat Restoration in the Milwaukee River Watershed

A comprehensive study evaluating how restoring beaver dams could significantly protect the city of Milwaukee from future flood vents and the significant cost savings of this nature-based management approach versus traditional flood prevention engineering.