BeaverCorps Membership (Nonbusiness)
Welcome BeaverCorps Members
If you are new, congratulations on your acceptance into the professional BeaverCorps membership program. If you are returning, welcome back!
This page will be the landing page for all BeaverCorps member resources outside of the online coursework. We will be updating and adding new materials and resources to this page regularly. Be sure to check in from time to time to see new resources we have available for our members.
As a reminder, the BeaverCorps training program includes two parts.
Part 1 of the training program consists of online lessons and exams, takes 40 – 60 hours, and is generally completed in 6 weeks.
Part 2 of the program consists of four project installations that you do while being mentored 1:1 by experienced Beaver Institute staff.
The entire training course typically takes 12 months to complete.
Part One – Coursework for New Members
You have been enrolled in the BeaverCorps training program and you can access your courses here. You will be required to complete all BeaverCorps training courses, and pass the associated quizzes, assignments, and final exam to graduate. Once you finish your coursework you will proceed to the field-based Part 2 Training – Mentored Flow Devices.
Part Two – Mentored Flow Devices
This portion of your BeaverCorps Training will include personalized 1:1 instruction on four of your own flow devices and/or Low-tech Process-based Restoration projects with Mike Callahan or other BeaverCorps instructors.
Steps for Mentored Projects
- For each mentored flow device project please submit the Part 2 – Mentored Installation Form, watershed analysis, and photos before you meet with your mentor.
- For each mentored low-tech process-based restoration (LTPBR) project, you will meet with Jeff Burrell and Mike. There are no datasheets for these projects, but they would like you to send photos, maps, plans, or any other info you feel would be helpful to consider regarding your project.
- Once you have completed your project, you will submit the completed mentored installation form with pictures before your final 1:1 meeting to review how your installation went. This is a time to discuss unexpected issues and review how the installation was completed.
- These meetings are scheduled by you on Mike’s Calendly schedule. To schedule a 30-minute appointment with Mike, simply go to, and pick an available day and time that works for you.
Resources and Forms for Members
Site Assessment Forms
- Site Assessment Form – Culvert
- Site Assessment Form – Free-standing Beaver Dam
- Site Assessment Form – Drainage Structure
- Site Assessment Form – Spillway
Completed Project Forms
Continued Support
Our support for your future work in beaver management will continue even after you complete the program. You are now, and will remain, a member of our BeaverCorps online community. Our online platforms allow us to support and learn from each other indefinitely despite being separated by great distances.
We use the program “Slack” to share ideas, pictures and videos with each other, so you will need to download that program to participate.
We also host monthly BeaverCorps member Zoom meetings on the second Friday of each month. This allows all members to discuss and meet regularly.
Recordings of past BeaverCorps Zoom Meetings can be found on the BeaverCorps youtube channel and in Slack.
BeaverCorps Monthly Zoom Meeting
When: Second Friday of each month
Time: 2:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 7715 5911
Passcode: 820675
In addition to our training program and to incentivize landowners to hire you and help you earn money doing this work, we offer landowner financial incentive grants. All BeaverCorps trainees are eligible to offer Beaver Institute grants to potential clients. Applications for these grants can be found on the Landowner Cost-Share Grants page on our website.