Tag Results: Stream Restoration


The Utah Beaver Restoration Assessment Tool: A Decision Support and Planning Tool, 2014

The Utah Beaver Restoration Assessment Tool (BRAT) serves as a decision support and planning tool intended to help resource managers, restoration practitioners, wildlife biologists and researchers assess the potential for beaver as a stream conservation and restoration agent over large regions.

The Beaver Restoration Guidebook Version 1.0, 2015

A comprehensive compilation of information related to beavers and their management with an emphasis on stream restoration.

Using Beaver Dams to Restore Incised Stream Ecosystems

This study proposes that live vegetation and beaver dams or beaver dam analogues can substantially accelerate the recovery of incised streams and can help create and maintain complex fluvial ecosystems.

Working with Beaver to Restore Salmon Habitat in the Bridge Creek Intensively Monitored Watershed

Tested how assisting beaver to create stable colonies and aggrade incised reaches of Bridge Creek could create measurable improvements in riparian and stream habitat conditions and abundance of native steelhead.

Human-made Beaver Dams Likely Save Natural Wetland from Extinction

The U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management blog reports that in arid, high country Oregon, a series of manmade beaver dams (Beaver Dam Analogs) have created a watery oasis.

Beaver: Nature’s ecosystem engineers

A literature review and summary of the beaver’s impact as an ecosystem engineer. It focuses primarily on the European beaver (castor fiber), but includes valuable information about the profound ecological benefits of the North American beaver (castor Canadensis) too.

Could beaver compete with a declining snowpack?

To estimate the extent to which beaver dam building activity could provide transient water storage with a decreased snowpack.

The Engineering in Beaver Dams

Review of beaver dam construction and how their technology may allow to create novel, nature based solutions for ecosystem redevelopment and river renaturalisation.