Tag Results: History
BackIn Beaver World
Late 1800s – 1900s beaver studies which cover a period of twenty-seven years through every State in the Union, Mexico, Canada, and Alaska.
Eurasian Beaver
Summary of the beaver release at Knapdale, Argyll, for the purpose of running a scientifically monitored trial as part of the Species Action Framework (SAF).
Current distribution, status and patterns of spread of the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber, and the implications for management
Reduced to 1200 animals in 8 small refugia by the end of the 19th century, natural spread and reintroductions have led to a powerful recovery in Eurasian beaver range and populations.
Population and Distribution of Beavers Castor Fiber and Castor Canadensis in Eurasia
A review of the beaver’s history, population change, distribution, and population estimates in Europe.
Do introduced North American beavers Castor canadensis engineer differently in southern South America? An overview with implications for restoration.
This article looked at castor canadensis in Chile and Argentina in the 1990s. Data found that beaver eradication strategies and ecosystem restoration efforts should focus on the ecology of native ecosystems rather than the biology of beaver.
The History of Beaver and the Ecosystem Services They Provide
This first webinar in the Association of State Wetland Managers (ASWM) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) co-hosted six-part webinar series on beaver restoration details how beaver affect the land and the hydrologic impacts from loss of beaver through various hunting, trapping and removal activities. The webinar shared the role that beavers and beaver dam analogs (BDAs) can play in stream restoration.
Euro-American Beaver Trapping and Its Long Term Impact on Drainage Network Form and Function, Water Abundance, Delivery, and System Stability
Examines the long-term impact of historic beaver trapping in the United States on stream systems, the role of beaver trapping in arroyo formation in the American Southwest, why the significance of beavers was missed by the U.S. General Land Office surveys in the late 1700s to mid 1800s, and how that oversight impacted later researchers in the 1950s and 1960s as the study of fluvial geomorphology and hydraulic geometry emerged.
Tags: erosion, arroyo formation, hydraulic geometry, channel incision, beaver trapping, General Land Office surveys
Can the Mighty Beaver Save the Bay?
A 44 minute Baltimore Sun podcast by Dan Rodricks on beavers and their impact. He interviews beaver experts Frances Backhouse, Mike Callahan, and Scott McGill on the history, present management and future of beavers in North America. Recorded in Feb. 2, 2018
Overview of Beaver History, Ecology and Management in North America
A brief overview of beaver history, ecology and management in North America.
Riparian research and management: Past, Present, Future: Volume 1
This publication, guided by the inseparable nature of streams and riparian ecosystems, emphasizes the interrelationships and continuity of riparian areas along with dependent wildlife and human services.
Belonging: Do Beavers Have a Place in Modern America?
If beavers are to have a place in the current landscape configurations of modern America, we must make space for them.
The Historic Range of Beaver in the Sierra Nevada: a Review of the Evidence
A review challenging long-held beliefs on the historic range of beaver in California
Novel Physical Evidence that Beaver were Historically Native to the Sierra Nevada
Summary of evidence that beaver lived in the Sierra Nevada
The historical range of beaver (Castor canadensis) in coastal California: an updated review of the evidence
Study of the history of beaver habitat in California
Beavers and Conservation in Oregon Coastal Watersheds
Summary of the benefits of beavers, their conflicts with humans, and the policies and conditions that affect their survival
Evaluation of the Ecological Impacts of Beaver Reintroduction on Aquatic Systems
Study on how beaver engineering and foraging has the potential to create unique and highly heterogeneous wetland and stream habitats
Beaver Habits and Culture USDA 1927
A fascinating, in-depth review of beaver history, biology, effects on fish and early attempts at nonlethal beaver-human conflict resolution.
A Historical Trial on Beavers and Erosion 1939 Oregon Supreme Court
A story told by Paul Schaffer of an Oregon Supreme court case in 1939.
Reintegrating the North American Beaver (Castor Canadensis) in the Urban Landscape
This paper examines how to anticipate the implications of beaver reintroduction in the design of wetlands and urban natural areas. Three case studies in Seattle, WA, are presented to identify various approaches, successes, and management strategies.