Tag Results: Fishways


Fish-Habitat Relationships and the Effectiveness of Habitat Restoration

A synthesis of scientific literature and our current level of: 1) understanding of the relationship between habitat quantity and quality and salmon production, 2) quantify the improvements in salmon production and survival that can be expected with different restoration actions, and 3) use models to help identify habitat factors limiting production and quantify population-level responses to restoration.

Economic Culvert Design Using Fish Swimming Energy and Power Capabilities 1993

Manual of culvert design procedures for weak swimming fish


Guidelines for Salmonid Passage at Stream Crossings

This document provides guidelines for design of stream crossings to aid upstream and downstream passage of migrating salmonids, and is intended to facilitate the design of a new
generation of stream crossings.

Maine Department of Transportation Fish Passage Policy and Design Guide

A policy, process, and design guide with best management practices for fish passage

Modifications to the Clemson Pond Leveler to Facilitate Brook Trout Passage

The Clemson Pond Leveler effectively controls beaver pond flooding but will not pass migrating fish as it is typically installed. This modified design will allow for the passage of fish.