Topic Results: Relocation, Trapping
Back to Currated List of TopicsEuro-American Beaver Trapping and Its Long Term Impact on Drainage Network Form and Function, Water Abundance, Delivery, and System Stability
Examines the long-term impact of historic beaver trapping in the United States on stream systems, the role of beaver trapping in arroyo formation in the American Southwest, why the significance of beavers was missed by the U.S. General Land Office surveys in the late 1700s to mid 1800s, and how that oversight impacted later researchers in the 1950s and 1960s as the study of fluvial geomorphology and hydraulic geometry emerged.
Tags: erosion, arroyo formation, hydraulic geometry, channel incision, beaver trapping, General Land Office surveys
The Beaver Restoration Guidebook Version 1.0, 2015
A comprehensive compilation of information related to beavers and their management with an emphasis on stream restoration.
Beaver Restoration across Boundaries, 2015
This report shares the experiences and lessons learned regarding the use of beaver for restoration and climate change adaptation in a selection of American states: California, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.
Billerica Municipal Beaver Management Program Analysis, 2000 – 2019
This landmark 20 year study compares traditional lethal beaver control versus nonlethal management methods in the town of Billerica, MA. A total of 55 beaver conflict sites were studied. Sites that were managed with nonlethal control methods cost taxpayers significantly less than sites that were managed with beaver removal, and provided millions of dollars of ecological services to the town annually that would have been lost with beaver removal.
Riparian research and management: Past, Present, Future: Volume 1
This publication, guided by the inseparable nature of streams and riparian ecosystems, emphasizes the interrelationships and continuity of riparian areas along with dependent wildlife and human services.
The Historic Range of Beaver in the Sierra Nevada: a Review of the Evidence
A review challenging long-held beliefs on the historic range of beaver in California
Novel Physical Evidence that Beaver were Historically Native to the Sierra Nevada
Summary of evidence that beaver lived in the Sierra Nevada
The historical range of beaver (Castor canadensis) in coastal California: an updated review of the evidence
Study of the history of beaver habitat in California
American Veterinary Medical Association Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals, 2020 Edition
The latest euthanasia guidelines from the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Reintegrating the North American Beaver (Castor Canadensis) in the Urban Landscape
This paper examines how to anticipate the implications of beaver reintroduction in the design of wetlands and urban natural areas. Three case studies in Seattle, WA, are presented to identify various approaches, successes, and management strategies.