Topic Results: Relocation, Trapping
Back to Currated List of TopicsPrescott Peninsula Beaver Survey Results – 2017
Prescott Peninsula Beaver Survey Results – 2021
Prescott Peninsula Beaver Survey Results – 2022
The Utah Beaver Restoration Assessment Tool: A Decision Support and Planning Tool
A decision support and planning tool for beaver management, to analyze all perennial rivers and streams in Utah. This model assess the upper limits of riverscapes to support beaver dam-building activities.
In Beaver World
Late 1800s – 1900s beaver studies which cover a period of twenty-seven years through every State in the Union, Mexico, Canada, and Alaska.
Idaho Beaver Restoration Assessment Tool Building Realistic Expectations for Partnering with Beaver in Conservation and Restoration
Traditional restoration efforts are barely scratching the surface of what could be restored. Moreover, a disproportionate amount of funds are spent on too few miles of streams and rivers leaving millions of miles of degraded streams neglected. To fill this gap, restoration practitioners are increasingly trying restoration techniques that are more cost?effective, less intensive, and can more practically scale up to the enormous scope of degradation.
Capturing Beavers in Box Traps
Report on capture success of beavers in box traps, box trap designs and modifications, field sets, and costs of purchasing and modifying traps.
Unravelling Perceptions of Eurasian Beaver Reintroduction in Great Britain
Investigation into the social dimensions of wildlife reintroduction and an argument to emphasize the need to recognize societal perceptions in potential management solutions
Do introduced North American beavers Castor canadensis engineer differently in southern South America? An overview with implications for restoration.
This article looked at castor canadensis in Chile and Argentina in the 1990s. Data found that beaver eradication strategies and ecosystem restoration efforts should focus on the ecology of native ecosystems rather than the biology of beaver.
Beaver Colony Density Trends on the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, 1987 – 2013
A study of beaver control measures to help land management agencies weigh against large-scale removal programs
A Family Matter: Trapping and relocating beavers can have long-lasting benefits for habitat and wildlife
Beaver relocation program by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.
Evaluating landowner-based beaver relocation as a tool to restore salmon habitat
Relocating American beavers (Castor canadensis) from unwanted sites to desirable sites where damage exceeds stakeholder capacity) has been posited as a method to enhance in-stream habitat for salmonids in the Pacific Northwest.
Beaver believers: Native Americans promote resurgence of ‘nature’s engineers’
Washington’s Cowlitz Indian Tribe’s ambitious project: to reintroduce beavers back into the Gifford Pinchot national forest, a wild region on the slopes of the Cascade mountains, as part of efforts to reclaim indigenous land management practices.
The Impacts of Beavers Castor spp. on Biodiversity and the Ecological Basis for their Reintroduction to Scotland, UK
A review that investigates the mechanisms by which beavers act as ecosystem engineers, and then discusses the possible impacts of beavers on the biodiversity of Scotland.
Survey of Beaver-Related Restoration Practices in Rangeland Streams of the Western USA
Survey that identifies a need to assess beaver-related restoration projects in western rangelands to increase
awareness, accountability, and to identify gaps in scientific knowledge.
Improving Engagement in Managing Reintroduction Conflicts: Learning from Beaver Reintroduction
Article that finds themes in responses to beaver reintroduction and offers observations that may positively influence future responses amongst affected individuals
The Beaver Restoration Guidebook, Version 2.01, 2018
This guidebook provides a practical synthesis of the best available science for using beaver to improve ecosystem functions. The overall goal is to provide an accessible, useful resource for those involved in using beaver to restore streams, floodplains, wetlands, and riparian ecosystems.
Long-Term Population Dynamics of the N. American Beaver in Massachusetts and California
Research and monitoring activities over a 45-year period on the Quabbin Reservation in Massachusetts have provided an opportunity to follow changes in numbers and dynamics of an unexploited beaver population.
A Critical Review of the Effects of Beavers Upon Fish and Fish Stocks
A review by the University of Southampton of how the reintroduction of beaver will affect fish in Scotalnd