Topic Results: Biodiversity

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Reintroduction of Beavers Castor Fiber may Improve Habitat Quality for Vespertilionid Bats Foraging in Small River Valleys

Study conducted on small streams in forest areas of northern Poland to determine whether beaver ponds may improve habitat quality for bats

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Aerial Multispectral Videography for Vegetation Mapping and Assessment of Beaver Distribution within Selected Riparian Areas of the Lake Tahoe Basin

Multispectral videography was used in this thesis to classify 10 streams in the Tahoe Basin and to determine how beaver dams affected their nearby vegetation.


An overlooked Ecological Web – Sweetgale, Beaver, Salmon, and Large Woody Debris in the Skagit River Tidal Marshes


Writing on how beaver affect vegetation such as sweetgale in estuary marshes

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Invertebrates in Beaver-Created Wetlands and Ponds

A study into invertebrates in beaver wetlands in the different regions of North America

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A Critical Review of the Effects of Beavers Upon Fish and Fish Stocks

A review by the University of Southampton of how the reintroduction of beaver will affect fish in Scotalnd

Final ESA Recovery Plan for Oregon Coast Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) 2016

This recovery plan provides guidance to improve the viability of coho salmon to the point that it meets the delisting criteria and no longer requires ESA protection. It includes strong recommendations to increase the number of beaver and recommends the use of BDAs to restore rearing habitat for salmon.

The Economic Value of Beaver Ecosystem Services Escalante River Basin, Utah 2001

In-depth report on how beaver could provide benefits to local residents and visitors well into the millions of dollars per year in Utah.

Beaver: Nature’s ecosystem engineers

This review summarizes how beaver impact ecosystem structure and geomorphology, hydrology and water resources, water quality, freshwater ecology, and humans and society.

Beavers and Conservation in Oregon Coastal Watersheds

Summary of the benefits of beavers, their conflicts with humans, and the policies and conditions that affect their survival

Evaluation of the Ecological Impacts of Beaver Reintroduction on Aquatic Systems


Study on how beaver engineering and foraging has the potential to create unique and highly heterogeneous wetland and stream habitats

Beaver-Created Habitat Heterogeneity Influences Aquatic Invertebrate Assemblages in Boreal Canada

Demonstration on how beavers physically altered isolated shallow-water wetlands which then influenced aquatic invertebrates

Beaver (Castor canadensis) as a surrogate species for conserving anuran amphibians on boreal streams in Alberta, Canada 2015

This work establishes the pre-eminence of beaver-created wetlands as amphibian habitat in the Boreal Foothills and that the incorporation of dam-building patterns into forest management strategies could aid amphibian conservation
