Author Results: J. Shockey
BackBest Management Practices for Pond Levelers and Culvert Protection Systems
The two primary categories of beaver flow device solutions are pond levelers and culvert protection systems. The following combination of design fundamentals, best management practices, and site-specific criteria form a set of standards for making, installing, monitoring, and maintaining both culvert protection systems and pond levelers as beaver coexistence solutions. This document is intended to empower the landowners, organizations, municipalities, and wildlife professionals who are interested in finding solutions to ongoing conflicts between human infrastructure and beaver habitat while still retaining the beavers and their benefits. If you would like to install a pond leveler or culvert protection system, use these standards to guide your planning, design, installation, monitoring, and maintenance. If you don’t have the capacity to implement these BMPs, there are an increasing number of trained professionals who can assist in your project. To coordinate your installation with the applicable regulatory agencies, adhere to the state-specific, stepwise permitting process outlined in the document appendices