Author Results: J.Bruskotter
BackRewilding the American West
By A.Wirsing | B.Law | C.Darimont | C.Vynne | C.Wolf | D.Ashe | D.DellaSala | E.Crist | E.Dinerstein | E.Leslie | G.Wuerthner | J.Bruskotter | J.Kauffman | J.Lambert | J.Vucetich | M.Nelson | M.Philips | R.Beschta | R.Noss | W.Ripple
In general, rewilding aims to reestablish vital ecological processes that can involve removing troublesome nonnative species and restoring key native species. Our rewilding call is grounded in ecological science and is necessary regardless of changing political winds. Our objective is to follow up on President Biden’s vision to conserve, connect, and restore by identifying a large reserve network in the American West suitable for rewilding two keystone species, the gray wolf (Canis lupus) and the North American beaver (Castor canadensis).