Highlighting B.I. Supporters – A Guest Blog from Animal Welfare Institute
“AWI has long supported the Beaver Institute’s outstanding work. Early on, in 2009, AWI provided financial support to Beaver Solutions, a sister organization to the Beaver Institute, for the development of an educational DVD providing instruction on the manufacture and installation of pond levelers. In 2012, Beaver Solutions received a grant from AWI to fund a project to develop and install effective fishways to permit the unimpeded passage of threatened adult salmon through beaver flow devices at sites in California, Alaska, and British Columbia. In 2017, AWI provided startup funding for the development of the Beaver Institute’s website and expert training program. Later, AWI helped sponsor BeaverCON 2020.”
“AWI’s support for the Beaver Institute’s work reflects the two organizations’ shared objective to humanely resolve beaver-human conflicts by educating the public and those working in the field about the ecological value of beavers and the various tools available to effectively resolve conflicts.”
“In addition to sponsoring BeaverCON 2022 in March, AWI continues to provide funding for the BeaverCorps Training Program, which teaches wildlife professionals the skills they need to install nonlethal, conflict prevention measures such as pond levelers and culvert protective fencing. The funds helped cover the cost of student tuition and mitigation projects across the United States and Canada. AWI supports this program because these measures have proven to be cost-efficient, durable, and effective, and it is critically important to train professionals to install the devices correctly and increase the number of professionals using humane alternatives to lethal control. We are grateful for the Beaver Institute’s important work, which helps humans, beavers, and the myriad species that benefit from beaver-created ecosystems coexist and thrive.”
-Contributions from Zack Strong & DJ Schubert, Animal Welfare Institute
Many thanks to the passionate folks with Animal Welfare Institute for supporting our programs, helping to fund several successful projects so far. We look forward to continuing this important partnership for years to come!
We are halfway through our Year-End Fundraiser!
Can you help us reach our goal of raising $10,000?
Donors may also support us via check to:
Beaver Institute, Inc.
14 Mountain Road
Southampton, MA 01073
Thank you!
With gratitude,
Mike Callahan, President, and the Beaver Institute Board of Directors
REMEMBER! All donations received by the end of the year (December 31st) will be matched dollar-for-dollar by two generous supporters. Click here to make your gift today.