Midwest Beaver Summit 2024

Posted In: Beaver Management

The Midwest Beaver Summit returns on August 28th!

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Partnering with Beaver to Restore Streams and Wetland in Colorado

Partnering with Beaver to Restore Streams and Wetland in Colorado

Posted In: Beaver Management

“Hi, I’m Mark Beardsley from EcoMetrics in Colorado.  I’m a restoration practitioner and a proud member of the Beaver Institute’s BeaverCorps program. In the Colorado Rocky Mountains where I live, we have thousands of miles of degraded streams. Healthy stream-wetland complexes are critical habitat on which most of our fish and wildlife species depend, and they are essential for watershed function.

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BeaverCorps Spotlight: Art Garcia & Garrett Krug, Ecotone, Inc.

Posted In: Beaver Management

Garrett Krug and Art Garcia work for Ecotone, Inc., an ecological restoration company in Maryland. Hear from Garrett as he describes their experience completing their first flow device installation!

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Beaver dam in MD trapping sediment

Why Give a DAMn? – Stream Restoration

Why Give a DAMn? There are many reasons beavers we need beavers. Reason #1: Stream Restoration. In the absence of beaver dams, erosion degrades streams and watersheds resulting in poorer water quality, quantity, and loss of biodiversity. Streams with beaver dams actually recover from the destructive effects of erosion and healthy watersheds can be restored.

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Protect Culverts from Beavers – Easily

See an easy and inexpensive way to protect road culverts from beaver dam blockages that also allows fish and wildlife passage.

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Backhoe opening culvert

How To Protect Roads AND Beavers

To a beaver, a culvert pipe through a roadbed looks like a hole in a dam. So beavers damming road culverts is the most common human-beaver flooding conflict we see. Fortunately though, most road culverts can be protected from beaver damming without the need to kill the beavers.

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What Good Are Beavers?

Most people only become aware of beavers when they are a nuisance, but did you know that biologists classify beavers as a Keystone species?

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