With over 300 individuals gathering at the University of Colorado, Boulder from October 20-23, your organization will reach scientists, policymakers, stream restoration professionals, tribal & state agencies, engineers, researchers, land managers and non-profit leaders — among scores of others!
Keystone // $10k
- Lead sponsor status
- Evening social, lunch or break service naming rights
- Poster Session rep in premium location
- 4 tickets to presenter & sponsorship dinner
- Access to post-event list of attendees
- Link & logo featured in conference email marketing
- 4 conference registrations
- Exhibit table in premium location
- Logo displayed on registration banner
- Recognition in digital conference program
- Logo placement on conference website
- Logo displayed on conference slideshows
Colony // $5k
- Poster Session Representative in premium location
- 2 tickets to presenter & sponsorship dinner
- Access to post-event list of attendees
- Link & logo featured in conference email marketing
- 2 conference registrations
- Exhibit Table
- Logo displayed on registration banner
- Recognition in digital conference program
- Logo placement on conference website
- Logo displayed on conference slideshows
Dam // $2.5k
- 1 ticket to presenter & sponsorship dinner
- Access to post-event list of attendees
- Link & logo featured in conference email marketing
- 1 conference registration
- Exhibit table
- Logo displayed on registration banner
- Recognition in digital conference program
- Logo placement on conference website
- Logo displayed on conference slideshows
Lodge // $1.5k
- 1 conference registration
- Exhibit table
- Logo displayed on registration banner
- Recognition in digital conference program
- Logo placement on conference website
- Logo displayed on conference slideshows
Kit // $750
- Recognition in digital conference program
- Logo placement on conference website
- Logo displayed on conference slideshows
Market your business or organization all while supporting BEAVERCON!
Please let us know if you are interested in exclusive & custom sponsorship levels over $10k.
We look forward to connecting for sponsorship at any level at beavercon2024@gmail.com.